Ductless Air Conditioner Sales, Installation, and Repair Services in St. Louis

If you don’t have a traditional HVAC unit or need to expand your ductwork to additional rooms, then a ductless AC system might be right for you. The service technicians at C & G Heating & Cooling can install, repair and maintain your ductless air conditioning system to keep you cool for the next several years.

ductless mini splits

What Is Ductless Air Conditioning?

Like the name sounds, a ductless AC system doesn’t require channels or ducts to be installed in your home to keep your space cool. Adding ductwork often requires contractors to cut into your drywall and make major changes to your home. However, a ductless unit can hang on almost any wall with minimal impact to your space.

Ductless AC units are often easier to install than HVAC systems with traditional ductwork and are also more affordable. They are typically small wall units that don’t distract from your design of the house. You may have seen or used a mini-split AC system if you stayed in furnished guest houses that used to be sheds or garages.

When Should You Use Ductless AC?

Most homeowners invest in ductless air conditioning when they expand upon their home. If you plan to turn your basement or attic into another bedroom, then you may want a ductless air conditioner. If you want to turn a garage into an office or build onto an existing structure, a mini-split AC is often the best option. By choosing a ductless model, you can bring climate-controlled heating and cooling to a room without changing your existing ductwork. The rest of your home is pretty much left alone.

There are other instances where ductless AC is a better choice than expanding on your ductwork. For the most part, it is used to cool spaces that you otherwise couldn’t without extensive construction and expense.

Schedule a Consultation for Your Mini-Split System

If you aren’t sure whether a ductless system is right for your space and want to learn more, request a free consultation from one of the service technicians at C & G Heating & Cooling. We can send someone out who is knowledgeable about ductless units to see if the space is appropriate and to give you an estimate for the costs. We will never pressure you into choosing one cooling system or another, but we will give you the facts you need to make the best decision for your home. Call C & G Heating & Cooling today for your ductless AC consultation.

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